Leading Team Performance


The work demands in the global market have changed dramatically.


We have moved from the Information to the Knowledge Age, which demands high leadership qualities, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as intuitive decision making and responsible actions from all the collaborators.



Rodrigue Greub has spent years researching about what is the recipe of successful people beyond the average?

The answer is summarized in the 7 Keys-Training for a Sustainable Leadership.





  • More efficient and effective Leaders.
  • High Performance Teamwork.
  • Expand and optimize Productivity.




€  Seminar max 33 p.   2-16 hrs Motivational, Leadership, Team
”  Conference max 999 p    2-8 hrs. Motivational, Leadership, Team
† Extreme Camping  1-4 days Self Improvement, Leadership, Team
—  Special Programs       (Rallyes, Dragon Path, Tailored Solutions)  
‹  Personal  Coaching  1-2 hrs. Individual Attention
–  Online Seminar  1-4 hrs. (Coming soon) 



"All the problems in a company can be ascribed to human faults. I help you to wake up the genie within your people, so they can act with personal balance and optimal performance.

Consequently you capitalize the human potential and ensure the leading role in the market." Rodrigue Greub



Escríbenos y te llamamos.

Oficina CDMX y Zacatlán, Puebla

Tel. / Whatsapp +52 1 797 112 3538 

¡Hoy, no mañana! – tu equipo comienza  a crear plusvalía nunca antes imaginable. 


"¿Cuándo, si no ahora? Dónde, si no aquí? ¿Quién si no nosotros?"

"When if not now? Where if not here? Who if not us?"

„Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? Wo, wenn nicht hier? Wer, wenn nicht wir?“ John F. Kennedy