About us

Our team has over 40 years of experience interacting with companies in different business sectors - as services, automotive, insurance, food etc. Together in  Leading Team Performance 

we add value to offer unforgettable conferences, seminars and workshops to organizations that want to take action with teams of collaborators committed from the heart leading the business to invincible success.


We guarantee that within a few hours employees will have activated a new brain potential, standing out with new attitudes and a thinking out of the box.

The director Rodrigue Greub is a bridge between cultures: European and Latin, old and modern corporative culture, science and business. Breaking the boundaries between them, together we will achieve new levels of communication,
solutionsand sustainability .


Curricural Review of the founder and director

B.S. Rodrigue Greub

Management consultant and facilitator of creative potential with wide experience in different continents. Born in Zurich, Switzerland, with studies in Economics at the University of Basel and professional experience with Credit Suisse Banking and Hoffmann-La Roche IT. He graduated as an actor and stage director at the Acting School Freiburg, Germany. He worked with masters such as Yoshi Oida (Peter Brook Company, Paris), Augusto Boal (Brazil), Alex Darie (Bucharest) and Alan Good (New York).

He received diplomas in Applied Kinesiology, Creative Visualization, Touch for Health and studied different techniques for centering and meditation. He was also initiated in expanded states of consciousness according to various ancient cultures and transpersonal psychology techniques (Mexico, Tibet, and Africa). In his travels to different countries have learned to speak five languages ​​fluently as German, Spanish, English, French and Italian.

In 1998 he reorganized the Art Centre Basel, company that does world exhibition of art. The UNESCO entitled him in 2000, National Coordinator for Mexico of the global cultural network Culture in the Neighborhood, for his outstanding results in research and cultural production.

He is internationally recognized as the founder of the method BusinessTreeSystem© which helps people and business live their creative potential inherent, creating unique transformative experiences that increase productivity immediately.

Among his unforgettable conferences, workshops and conventions are: the International Conference of Culture in the Neighborhood, UNESCO, Burkina Faso, Africa; in the International Congress of Humanistic Psychotherapy, Puebla; Department of Psychology, ITESO, Guadalajara ; Congress ADEHUM in Morelia (2006) and Congress of Psychology and Graphology, Mexico.


He was invited to talk at the European Conference on Creativity and Innovation 2007 (ECCI X in Copenhagen), the International Congress of the ACA (American Creativity Association) in Singapore 2008, at Prague Gateways, CREA Italy, World Summit of Women Leadership, San Francisco, Dinamics DEO in Mexico, and at the American Academy of Management, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He has participated several times in television programms and is a visiting professor at the Autonomous University of Chapingo, Economic and Administrative Sciences Division.
He has worked as facilitator and creative director in seminars and conventions in motivation, personal development, increasing productivity, team building, sales force training and creative leadership with various companies in Mexico and Europe over the last 15 years. Among his corporate clients include Grupo Bimbo, Astra Zeneca, Carrefour, Balondeo, Lego Group, Honda, Canon, John Deere.

He currently lives in Mexico and Switzerland, and is dedicated to private coaching, business training and to his continuous personal transformation so that his contributions are always fresh, unique and heartfelt!



Escríbenos y te llamamos.

Oficina CDMX y Zacatlán, Puebla

Tel. / Whatsapp +52 1 797 112 3538 

¡Hoy, no mañana! – tu equipo comienza  a crear plusvalía nunca antes imaginable. 


"¿Cuándo, si no ahora? Dónde, si no aquí? ¿Quién si no nosotros?"

"When if not now? Where if not here? Who if not us?"

„Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? Wo, wenn nicht hier? Wer, wenn nicht wir?“ John F. Kennedy